
About Us

BaggageAI is a patent-pending technology AI-powered high-performance intelligent Baggage Scanning powered by start-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence technology.
The purpose of BaggageAI stemmed from the need to make the process of security-check stringent and smoother that would scan for threats like human eyes without ever tiring.
Stories of people mistakenly carrying threat items or contraband without being caught by the screeners even in high-security areas are not uncommon. Let alone weapons and guns, seemingly innocent slips like carrying extra liquids or prohibited gadgets can be a threat. When it comes to screeners, the smallest of human errors could lead to precarious events endangering a lot of innocent people.
Modern problems need modern solutions and the answer to this problem is Artificial Intelligence.

Our Partners

Baggage AI is incubated and funded by SINE IIT Bombay.
Our solution got selected for Airport Authority of India, we stood in the final 8 start-ups selected
among 350+ participation in the “AAI Startup Initiative – Innovate for Airport”.

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